Faster sales, transfers, and payouts

Faster payments

We’ve just launched an all-new fulfilment system that greatly improves our after-sales process. This means faster and easier sales for everyone! Until now our team has had to handle all of your sales manually. This can mean a lot of emails for you and the buyer, and with different timezones involved a sale can take longer […]

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Payments by instalments, faster payouts, and much more

Instalments and much more

Today we’re rolling out a number of changes, including the ability for domains to be sold by instalments: To accomplish this we’ve also launched a new checkout, faster payouts system, and finance centre for sellers. Let’s break it down. Payments by instalments One of the most often requested features, we have good reason to believe […]

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More control over your logo design

As of today, Brandpa are introducing a new system that allows sellers to talk directly with the designer of their logos, and to approve their logo designs. Our new interface is similar to Slack or Facebook Messenger, and looks like this: This is how it works as a seller: One of our pre-approved designers is […]

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Results from our 2018 seller survey

Earlier this year we asked over 1,500 of our sellers to fill in our first seller survey. Here are some of the results, and what we’re doing about them. How happy are you with Brandpa overall? On average, our sellers rated their satisfaction with Brandpa as 7.8 out of 10. Most sellers rated us 8 […]

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More control over your domains

As of today, we’re starting to roll out a series of features offering more control over your domain names on Brandpa. Specify your own descriptions For all domains submitted from today, sellers will be given the option of specifying their own text descriptions: We’ve aimed to make this process as simple as possible and to […]

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Issue with seller stats and hotness scores

Issue fixed

We recently discovered an issue affecting all sellers stats, in particular hotness scores. Almost all stats between 1st – 24th June 2018 were severely reduced, with hotness being incorrect during this time. This was caused by a change to the infrastructure of our website. Before the 1st of June, every time someone requested a webpage […]

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Beautiful banners for everyone

Logo banner

We’re pleased to announce that as of today, all domains on Brandpa feature a range of banner images, like these: Until now we had to create these images manually, which meant they were limited to a small percentage of our overall domains. We’ve developed technology to automate their production, so we can now offer this […]

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Celebrating Brandpa’s first birthday

Brandpa birthday

A little over a year today, Brandpa sold its first domain name. Since then we’ve been growing pretty damn fast. Let’s take a look at what happened between April 2017 – April 2018. Sales This is a graph of how much Brandpa paid our sellers each month: April 2018 is only half over as we write […]

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Introducing the Brandpa designer functionality

Designer marketplace

When Brandpa started, we designed every logo on our site by ourselves. But as we grew, we found ourselves needing over 100 new logos a week, then almost 200. It was clear we needed help. Today we’re proud to unveil a system we’ve developed with a select team of our favourite designers. It allows us to […]

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Improved favourites, support and more

New Brandpa updates

We’ve significantly improved the favourites feature on our website. Visitors can now: Share their favourites via email Print them out to present Download a list of them as a spreadsheet We also added some nicer animations, a favourites count, and made favourites much easier to see and use throughout the site. This should make it […]

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