More control over your domains

As of today, we’re starting to roll out a series of features offering more control over your domain names on Brandpa.

Specify your own descriptions

For all domains submitted from today, sellers will be given the option of specifying their own text descriptions:

We’ve aimed to make this process as simple as possible and to keep quality high, we manually check anything you enter to ensure it’s free from spelling or grammar errors. If you’re not sure what text to provide, you can ask us to write a description for you, like before.

Descriptions can help your domains be found by Brandpa’s search and by search engines like Google. Learn more about this feature.

Coming soon: price controls

We will soon be introducing a range of more features which will give our sellers much more control over their listings. Among these, we plan to allow sellers to control the pricing of their domain names.

Under our new system, sellers will be able to set the price of their domains to anything they wish, but we will limit how often these price changes can take place to ensure stability and fairness for our buyers. For example, if a domain is under offer, you will not be able to revise the price. To help sellers price their domains, we will introduce new tools to help appraise your domains against others in our website and new analytics to help you understand if you domain is in high demand or struggling to attract attention.

Although some sellers may try to abuse this system – potentially by over-valuing their domains – we believe that clear feedback from our website will act as an effective deterrent. If your price is too high, your domains simply won’t sell.

As a prelude to this feature, for the past month we’ve allowed sellers to suggest pricing for their submitted domains and most sellers have suggested prices in line with our own appraisals:

We will be contacting selected sellers to trial a beta of our new price controls in the coming weeks, and hope to launch it to all sellers by September.